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Issue 7 :: January 2010


Jon Cotner is the author, with Andy Fitch, of Ten Walks/Two Talks (Ugly Duckling Presse, 2010). Other publications include Animal Shelter (Semiotext(e)), Brooklyn Rail, Denver Quarterly, Electric Literature, and UbuWeb. He lives in New York City.

On "Catullus Catullo" and "The Grammar of Buona Notte": "Catullus Catullo" (:49) and "The Grammar of Buona Notte" (1:29) were recorded one night in August 2009. Suddenly I had started talking with a group of Italian tourists in the East Village. After mentioning how much they loved New York, and how little they anticipated their return to Milan, they began to discuss the poet Catullus and the custom of "the mid-day rest" (pennichella) as we stood near a busy Second Avenue intersection. These tracks aim to sketch the humor, the verbal music of that spontaneous urban encounter.

Noé Cuéllar is a sound artist and photographer originally from Texas, graduated from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. A variety of his audiovisual work has been performed or exhibited at Experimental Sound Studio's 'Edible Audible Picnic' in Millennium Park's Pritzker Pavilion, Third Coast International Audio Festival, New Music at the Green Mill, Looptopia (Chicago); MEXIC-Arte Museum (Austin); Neighborhood Public Radio/Whitney Biennial (NYC); Megapolis Audio Art and Documentary Festival (Boston); Sound Art Space (Laredo, TX); among others. Recent commissions include National Headquarters, Standing Point Films, Electric Eel Films, and Antibody Dance.

Jeff Gburek is a composer, improvisor, sound artist and a poet, working with prepared guitar, unprepared guitars, stones, objects, phonography, electronics, sampling, digital manipulation, currently living in Poznan, Poland. He first lived in Berlin in 2000, working on dance/theater with Ephia in Djalma Primordial Science Since 2005, living in Berlin, he has toured widely in Europe, playing with Tetuzi Akiyama, Lucio Capece, Pascal Battus and others and was given a residency at STEIM in Amsterdam and presented sound installations in Darmstadt 2006, where he met Helmut Lachenmann. His CD red rose for the sinking ship was released by Triple Bath in 2007 to great praise and virtuous circles released by Absurd Records was also warmly recieved in 2006. Since living in Poznan he has been performing solo and at the Ad Libitem Festival in Warsaw with John Tilbury, Eddie Prevost and Phil Durrant. Numerous net releases followed all these occupations. Recently he has been playing with (aka Rafal Iwanski from Hati), Siamgda and with Joniecs (Kakofonikt). The new cd remote provinces is out now on Aural Terrains while another is forthcoming on the Brussels-based label N.O.T. Currently he is working with violinist Karolina Ossowska on reinterpretations of contemporary works for string and small ensemble and electronics (Anabasis Ensemble). He is also organizing the second edition of Retrograde in the Dromosphere Festival at Galeria ON in Poznan. His CD remote provinces was reviewed by Paris Transatlantic as "one of the most satisfying releases of 2009" by Dan Warburton. Main website:

Timothy Leonido is a sound poet currently living in Philadelphia.

"Ulf Clears His Throat" samples only from an interview with the German poet Ulf Stolterfoht.

new(s)peak: steve buchanan : 4-string guitar, alto sax, 2nd line, electronics; heike fiedler : texts, voice, visuals, projections, electronics; marie schwab : altos, violins, electronics. new(s)peak combines spokenword poetry, composition and free improvisation, proposing news ways between traditional and contemporary art forms.

Steve Buchanan _Musician , Dancer complete info:

Heike Fiedler : poet, artist, working in fields of text, sound, visuals, performance, installation, intervention in public space. participation in festivals and exhibitions in many contries (Europe, Africa). Publication of her work in magazines, on web, radio, cds. among improvisation, writing and compostion, many collaborations with musicians, artists, writers. Recently (dec. 2009), grant given by Geneva Foundation for Contemporary Art (FMAC) for upcoming project 'Linéaire d'. See also: -and-

marie schwab (genève) polyvalent musician, her music is the reflect of a preoccupation giving a central place to communication, interdisciplinarity and the relation between sound and space. she plays acoustic and electronic altos (5 et 8 cords) for improvisation, interpretation and composition everywhere and with many other musicians, comedians, dansers and plasticiens. she is involved in créations, performances, installations, workshops. collaboration with urs leimgruber, günter müller, tom varner, hans koch, lukas berchtold, manon hotte, theater gessnerallee (zh) nec, festival archipel , la bâtie (ge), world music days, fête de la musique (ge),...

Né en 1959 au Tchad, Nimrod est poète, romancier, essayiste et animateur de revue (dont la dernière, Agotem, qu'il codirige avec François Boddaert, Gaston-Paul Effa aux éditions Obsidiane, de 2003 à 2005). De 1997 à 2000, il a dirigé la revue Aleph, beth. Il est philosophe de formation.

Nimrod a reçu entre autres le Prix de la Vocation (1989), le Prix Louis Labé (1999), la Bourse Thyde Monnier de la Société des Gens de Lettres (2001). Au printemps 2008, il a fait paraître trois ouvrages, qui ont reçu les distinctions suivantes : le Prix Benjamin Fondane, le Prix Édouard Glissant et le Prix Ahmadou Kourouma.

Il a enseigné en qualité de professeur visiteur à l'université du Michigan (Ann Arbor) à l'automne 2006. En septembre 2008, il a été de nouveau à l'université du Michigan pour une résidence d'écriture de six mois.

Le magazine Le Matricule des anges (n° 91, mars 2008) et la revue de poésie Autre Sud (n° 40, mars 2008) lui ont consacré respectivement un dossier.

Ses ouvrages sont : Pierre, poussière, poèmes, (Obsidiane, 1989) ; Passage à l'infini, poèmes, (Obsidiane, 1999) ; Les jambes d'Alice, roman, (Actes Sud, 2001) ; Tombeau de Léopold Sédar Senghor, essai, (Le temps qu'il fait, 2003) ; En saison, suivi de Pierre, poussière, poèmes, (Obsidiane, 2004) ; Le Départ, récit, (Actes Sud, 2005) ; Léopold Sédar Senghor, monographie cosignée avec Armand Guibert, (Seghers, coll. « Poètes d'aujour–d'hui », 2006) ; Le bal des princes, roman, (Actes Sud, 2008) ; La nouvelle chose française, essais, (Actes Sud, 2008) ; Rosa Parks, roman, (Actes Sud Junior, 2008) ; L'or des rivières, récits, (Actes Sud, 2010) ; Babel, Babylone, poèmes, (Obsidiane, 2010.)

Born in 1959 in Tchad, Nimrod is a poet, novelist, essayist and editor of several journals (the most recent, Agotem, he co-edits with François Boddaert, Gaston-Paul Effa through Obsidiane from 2003 to 2005.) Between 1997 and 2000, he managed the journal Aleph, Beth. He completed his doctorate in philosophy.

Nimrod has received, among others, Le Prix de la Vocation (1989), Le Prix Louis Labé (1999), and La Bourse Thyde Monnier de la Société des Gens de Lettres (2001.) In the spring of 2008, he came out with three new works which garnered Le Prix Benjamin Fondane, Le Prix Édouard Glissant and Le Prix Ahmadou Kourouma.

Nimrod was a visiting professor at the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor) in 2006 and was invited back as a writer-in-residence in 2008.

The magazine Le Matricule des Anges (n° 91, March 2008) and the poetry journal Autre Sud (n° 40, March 2008) both have articles on his work. He has published four books of poems, five books of fiction, and two books of criticism on Léopold Sédar Senghor.

Nozal Cube (Arnaud Le Mindu: guitar, miscellaneous objects; Jean-phillipe Gomez: no-input mixing board, analogue synthesizer, CD, K7, miscellaneous objects; Emmanuel Lalande: computer, miscellaneous objects): an electro-acoustic trio composed of a musician, a (sound) artist and a sound engineer, offers vibrant, improvisational music based on concrete sounds, musical instruments and computerized/electronic synthesizer treatments. The band adapts to the broadcast material available, from radios to mixing boards, to larger broadcasting equipment.

Ranging from Bling to Blang to Grzz to Bzz, Nozal Cube's music is arranged on a whim to create a furtive image, at times resembling the vertigo of comtemplating a passing landscape or, through its shifting acoustic material, the impression of forgetting oneself in the unraveling of a documentary film, spontaneously seeking out events. The exploration's result is a tonal exquisite corpse/cadavre exquis

You can find their cds at Metamkine and their website at

Jonathan Zorn is a composer/performer of electro-acoustic music. In his compositions he creates interactive systems for acoustic and electronic instruments that exceed the control of any single participant, creating surprises and new ensemble dynamics for performers to explore and navigate. In performance he uses double bass, voice, modular synthesizer, and computer instruments of his own creation. Jonathan maintains ongoing collaborative projects with video artist/violinist Rachel Thompson, bassoonist/composer Katherine Young, bassist Andrew Lafkas, and electronic musician Bryan Eubanks. Zorn and Thompson also founded and run SET projects, a small record label of experimental and improvised sound and video art.